What is the E/One Sewer System?
The E/One Sewer system is a low pressure sewer system that uses E/One grinder pumps.
Grinder pumps are installed at each home, collect the wastewater, and pumps it to a larger sewer main or directly to a wastewater treatment plant.
What is the Difference
between a Gravity Sewer
System and a Low Pressure
Sewer System?
Gravity sewer systems often use large pipes that are installed in deep trenches and must follow a constant downslope. Low pressure sewer pipes may be as small as 2 inches in diameter and follow the contour of the land — up and down hills, or across flat land at a constant depth. These small trenches can equal huge savings in installation costs.
Low pressure sewer systems are often used when a gravity sewer system cannot be installed, or is too expensive to do so. The land may be very flat, rocky, hilly, or wet.
E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems give you the freedom to sewer anywhere
E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems are cost effective, highly reliable central sewering systems that can be installed in any terrain flat, wet, rocky, even on sites with dramatic elevation changes. Plus, they are much more affordable than conventional gravity sewers, which require major excavation, and much safer for communities than septic systems, which can eventually fail, polluting ground and recreational water and endangering public health.
At a fraction of the cost of gravity sewers.
With E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems you can set your sites higher – or lower. In fact, you can site new homes in formerly infeasible locations- rugged hills, isolated flatlands, coastal areas, below grade or sites with high water tables.
For the developer or prospective homebuilder, E One Sewer Systems frees you to utilize the best sightlines on any plot – regardless of the location of the sewer main or septic fields. This means better sightlines, aesthetics and views, as well as the possibility of utilizing ‘difficult’ or orphan lots and maximizing the density of any development.
E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems also feature a lighter ‘footprint’ that’s because they follow the contour of the land so Low Pressure they can go anywhere without destroying the landscape. Even around existing features like mature trees, streams and rock formations. They’re easier to install than conventional gravity sewers, so they greatly reduce the high cost of sewering. And they’re highly reliable. So they lower operating costs.
Environmentally sensitive. Economically sensible. Plus the freedom to build anywhere.
Break the restrictions of gravity – and enjoy true freedom.