What is the E/One Sewer System?

The E/One Sewer system is a low pressure sewer system that uses E/One grinder pumps.

Grinder pumps are installed at each home, collect the wastewater, and pumps it to a larger sewer main or directly to a wastewater treatment plant.

What is the Difference

between a Gravity Sewer

System and a Low Pressure

Sewer System?

Gravity sewer systems often use large pipes that are installed in deep trenches and must follow a constant downslope. Low pressure sewer pipes may be as small as 2 inches in diameter and follow the contour of the land — up and down hills, or across flat land at a constant depth. These small trenches can equal huge savings in installation costs.

Low pressure sewer systems are often used when a gravity sewer system cannot be installed, or is too expensive to do so. The land may be very flat, rocky, hilly, or wet.


E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems give you the freedom to sewer anywhere

E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems are cost effective, highly reliable central sewering systems that can be installed in any terrain flat, wet, rocky, even on sites with dramatic elevation changes. Plus, they are much more affordable than conventional gravity sewers, which require major excavation, and much safer for communities than septic systems, which can eventually fail, polluting ground and recreational water and endangering public health.

At a fraction of the cost of gravity sewers.

With E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems you can set your sites higher – or lower. In fact, you can site new homes in formerly infeasible locations- rugged hills, isolated flatlands, coastal areas, below grade or sites with high water tables.

For the developer or prospective homebuilder, E One Sewer Systems frees you to utilize the best sightlines on any plot – regardless of the location of the sewer main or septic fields. This means better sightlines, aesthetics and views, as well as the possibility of utilizing ‘difficult’ or orphan lots and maximizing the density of any development.

E One Low Pressure Sewer Systems also feature a lighter ‘footprint’ that’s because they follow the contour of the land so Low Pressure they can go anywhere without destroying the landscape. Even around existing features like mature trees, streams and rock formations. They’re easier to install than conventional gravity sewers, so they greatly reduce the high cost of sewering. And they’re highly reliable. So they lower operating costs.

Environmentally sensitive. Economically sensible. Plus the freedom to build anywhere.

Break the restrictions of gravity – and enjoy true freedom.

Environment One Corporation (E/One) is an operating company of Precision Castparts Corp. (PCC), a worldwide manufacturer of complex metal parts and industrial products. With corporate headquarters in New York and regional offices and distribution throughout the industrialized world, E/One is a manufacturer and provider of products and services for the disposal of residential sanitary waste and Utility Systems for the protection and performance optimization of electric utility assets. PCC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A)

With more than 30 years of experience and over half a million end users, Environment One understands your problems—and we can help. Here are just a few of the advantages of an :

  • Lower your cost of central sewer projects by as much as 50%.
  • Provide an affordable sewage system to areas that have failing septic systems or couldn’t be sewered before.
  • Avoid costly land acquisitions and easily sewer difficult terrain.
  • Clean up lakes, rivers and ponds.
  • No post-installation power costs, no preventive maintenance.
  • Environment One pumps have a nationwide average of 8 to 10 years mean time between service calls. And if service is required, changeover can be as short as 20 minutes. Simple and non-disruptive.
  • Finally, you can receive revenue from areas you never thought possible. E/One Sewers are delivering safe, reliable performance in every environment under the sun. Our product line allows flexibility to address every job-specific issue. Our engineering and technical staff will work with you from concept through design, construction and final installation—every step of the way. And we’ll provide the guidance and support to maintain your system.

The E One Low Pressure Sewer System stores, grinds and pumps wastewater under pressure to a treatment site or central sewer, depending on the location. Because the output is pressurized, the wastewater can be transported horizontally up to a mile or uphill some 185 feet vertically. Because the system does not rely on gravity to carry the waste, it provides more options for sitting and building as well as system renovations.

Most cities and villages use central sewering, which simply means that waste is transferred, usually by pipe or a main to a central treatment plant. Gravity sewers are the original central sewers, with origins in the roman aqueducts. Unfortunately, the technology behind gravity sewers is also centuries old: they’re bulky systems using a large main and usually require major excavation to install. They must be accurately placed and bedded along a continuously downward grade and often involve large, costly lift stations. Plus they’re expensive and not entirely efficient in transporting waste because they tend to leak and can be compromised by storm water infiltration.


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